
The problem?

The majority of residents live in humble conditions and have little formal education. An estimated 90% of the area’s population works in service industries, such as house cleaning and construction, and receive very low wages. When LCF began our work in 2003, more than 2/3 of the youth dropped out of school after middle school. This was due to the necessity for the youth to work to help support their families and a high teenage pregnancy rate. Only one in twenty youth from the community would obtain a college degree.

Making a difference…

As a result of LCF’s 15 years of dedication to the youth, major shifts have happened! Now less than 1/3 of the youth drop out after middle school. And a large percentage of students are completing high school and getting college degrees, through the support of our “Wings Scholarship Program” which has assisted hundreds of youth. Alumni from our programs are coming back to work or volunteer at LCF as teachers, camp counselors, and administrators.

What is our approach?

LCF follows a grassroots approach. As the cost of living has drastically increased over the years, the community has increasingly sought out training and education opportunities for economic stability. In order to support the community’s needs, projects and programs are created and carried out. The continuation of programs is also only possible through collaborative efforts with community members.

Where do the funds come from?

LCF receives the majority of its funds from individual donors. An annual fundraiser, including an online auction and “A Night under the Stars” silent auction & party, generate funds for our programming and for the local public schools. La Catalina Foundation is always in need of sponsors, supplies, and donations to keep our programs running.