Live Auction & Party

A Night Under the Stars’ - Auctions and Fiesta

A Night Under The Stars’ -  Fiesta


ONLINE AUCTION:   Our Online Auction has always preceded the ‘Night Under the Stars’.  We are happy to be able to continue this event.   We are thankful for the generosity of our donors this year and encourage your support of this worthwhile fundraiser .

The online auction will begin on February 5th and final bids will close at 10:00pm on February 12th.  It is easy to register with your email address. Access the online auction at    Winning bids will be advised and arrangements made to get your item to you.  Your support of this event is greatly appreciated by all our La Manzanilla students.

If you would like to donate an auction item, please contact Joanne Kipp at


Giving back to the community:


The revenue generated from the online auction and the live event are distributed back to the community in two ways:

  • Donations to the La Manzanilla public schools from a wish list
  • Funding towards La Catalina Foundation's on-going projects and operations costs

We rely on a variety of gift certificates, art pieces and  other donated items to make this fundraiser a success.  Volunteers are always welcomed to help with the silent auction. If you’re interested in donating or volunteering, please contact us.

We would like to express sincere appreciation to  the many donors and volunteers who make this event a success every year!